November News & Views from the Kanban Community
In This Issue
Kanban Community Days: From the Community for the Community (German)
Getting Started with Kanban, Part 1: Interview with Anna Radzikowska
Limiting WIP with Daniel Ploeg
How to Manage Defects Effectively (Without Moving Cards Backward on Your Board)
Why Kanban Is More Than a Visualization Board
Resilience and Agility through Evolutionary Change and Kanban Maturity Model
The Evolution of Agile: Kanban and Beyond
Accountability – The Magic Ingredient for Business Agility and Resilience
Kanban Community Days: From the Community for the Community (German)
Online | November 15-16 | 13:30-21:30 CET
Kanban University is excited to sponsor Kanban Community Days 2021. The Kanban user groups and communities for Limited WiP Society from all over German-speaking countries have organized this virtual conference to focus on the benefits and effects of flow-based work called Kanban. Follow the event on Twitter @kanbandays.
Getting Started with Kanban, Part 1: Interview with Anna Radzikowska, Accredited Kanban Trainer and Coach
Do you have agility initiatives in your organization? You may or may not be satisfied with the current results, but nevertheless you want to learn more about the Kanban Method. Mauvisoft talked to Anna Radzikowska, Accredited Kanban Trainer and Certified Kanban Coach, who specializes in teaching Kanban world newcomers. Read part one of a series of interviews and find out how you should start your Kanban journey, what problems you may face and how to overcome them.
Limiting WIP with Daniel Ploeg
Accredited Kanban Trainer Daniel Ploeg combines his love of Kanban with his love of home brewing to explain the practice of limiting work in progress (WIP). With knowledge work being intangible, it can be hard to see what your capacity actually is. In this video, Daniel helps you understand your WIP limit and what happens when you go over it.
How to Manage Defects Effectively (Without Moving Cards Backward on Your Board)
A common scenario that often triggers teams to move cards backward on your Kanban board is handling defects during the ‘Testing’ phase. Way too often, when teams discover an issue with the implementation, they move the card back into the ‘Development’ state. This approach is ineffective not only because it contradicts the nature of knowledge work, but also because it has the potential to prevent you from discovering opportunities for improvement. There is a better way to handle this scenario.
Why Kanban Is More Than a Visualization Board
There’s a sentence that I hear over and over again that kind of irks me, and maybe you’ve heard it too? “We’re doing Kanban, we have a Kanban board.” While having a Kanban board is important, you are not really practicing Kanban with this alone. Kanban is really tricky for most people to get their heads around because it’s so much more about culture than process. To understand the cultural aspect of Kanban, we have to remove ourselves from thinking about a project and think of it instead as a practice.
Resilience and Agility through Evolutionary Change and Kanban Maturity Model
Check out this video of Todd Little and Joey Spooner’s Experience Report from Agile India Lite 2021. Agility is the ability to adapt to changing situations. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity. As organizations have discovered, agility alone is not sufficient; resilience is needed as well. Both are fundamental to the Kanban Method. Join Todd and Joey as they share how the Kanban Method can start your evolutionary change towards both agility and resilience.
The Evolution of Agile: Kanban and Beyond
Kanban was the start of the evolution of Agile. Michael K Sahota tips his hat to David Anderson for creating the movement and for the t-shirt. For Michael, it was a key step to his understanding of the Evolution of Agile itself: How to integrate and understand Agile in relation to culture, leadership and how we think about organizational change management.
Elevate Change Podcast: Kanban Clinic with Dave White
“One reason that the Kanban Method was created, was to make life better for people.”
~Dave White
In this episode of the Lean On Agile (& Elevate Change) podcast, Dave White joins Shahin Sheidaei to talk about Kanban and indulge in an in-depth conversation on Kanban going mainstream, consulting, Kanban vs others, training, and much more.
Accountability – The Magic Ingredient for Business Agility and Resilience
In a low maturity market, a lack of leadership is often cited as the reason behind poor customer service, unpredictable, untrustworthy service delivery, and a lack of speed, agility, and effectiveness. However, what we see is a lack of accountability. Accountability catalyzes the required and latent leadership to enable high maturity performance and a platform where Kanban can deliver 8x improvements in productivity and more than a 90% reduction in lead times.
Top Reasons Why Companies Use Kanban [Infographic]
The team at Kanbanize has always been searching to answer the question “Why do more and more companies use Kanban?” Not just because they want to satisfy their curiosity, but because they want to find a rational explanation. So, they decided to dig deeper and try to discover the main reasons behind the Method’s popularity.